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Faculty of Health Sciences University of Muhammadiyah Mataram present :

International Webinar with SKP IAI, PAFI, and IBI

Topic : “The Role of Pharmacists and Midwives in New Normal Era”

Opening Speech : Apt. Nurul Qiyaam, M.Farm.Klin
Opening Remarks : Dr. H. Arsyad Abd. Gani, M.Pd
Moderator 1 : Apt. Alvi Kusuma Wardani, M.Farm
Moderator 2 : Elfa Rahmawati, M.Keb

Speakers :

  1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd bin Makmor Bakry (Dean Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) : “Extended Pharmacy Services in Restrictive Movement (Covid-19)”
  2. Prof. Dr. Apt. Retnosari Andrajati, M.S. (Professor in Clinical Pharmacy, University of Indonesia and Head of Pharmacy Departement at University of Indonesia Hospital) : “Sharing Experience Pharmacy Practice in Hospital UI since appointed as Covid-19 Hospital in New Normal Era”
  3. Apt. Lalu Muhammad Irham, M.Farm (Lecturer at Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Ph.D Candidate from Taipei Medical University) : “Pharmacist and Covid-19, from Perspective of Genomic”
  4. Endang Koni Suryaningsih, S.ST., M.Sc. (Ph.D Candidate from National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences) : “Empowering couples during childbearing for new normal life”
  5. Andari Wuri Astuti, S.SiT., M.P.H., PhD. (Lecturer of Magister Midwifery Program at Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta, Master and Doctoral Leeds University, UK Alumni) : “Research evidence to support midwifery care during and post Covid-19 pandemic : barriers and opportunities”

Date : Saturday, July 25th 2020
Time : 08.30 a.m (WITA) – until end (GMT+8)
Registration: https://bit.ly/FIKInternationalWebinar
Platform : ZOOM cloud meeting
Live Streaming on Youtube Channel : FIK UMMAT
Facility : e-certificate